Hi I’m Meagan Rayment, mother of my beautiful 2 and a half  yr old Meika and wife to my amazing husband Scott. We live on the Sunshine Coast and love getting out into nature and eating delicious healthy food.

Tell me a bit about what you were doing before you got in contact with Business Jump?

I had been in the dental industry for 17years in management, nursing and lab technician work. I was actually on maternity leave and wasn’t looking forward to going back to work after a big corporate company bought out the little practice.

I was so ready for a change and was looking for something that I could pour my heart and soul in to, could do from anywhere and in my own hours so I could stay home with Meika.

Why did you want to start your own business, what is your why?

Freedom is my ‘why’. By freedom I mean being able to work from anywhere, out of the 9-5 with only four weeks holiday each year. Freedom to be there for my husband and his business and with my daughter. Meika was pretty sick for the first year of her life, and being able to be there for her, cook and feed her healing foods and comfort her is really important to me.

My other ‘why’ is sharing my story so that I can hopefully help and support others who are in a similar situation to where my family has been.

How long had you wanted to start a business before you actually took action and took the

I’d been exploring different options since  Meika was born actually, but I just couldn’t decide which direction to take. Business Jump helped me choose something that I am completely passionate about. It is definitely hard work but it’s something I absolutely love doing so I never get the ‘I don’t want to work’ mantra playing in my head.

If you hadn’t of started your own business what do you think you’d be doing right now?

I’d be back at the same old job that I had been meaning to leave for the last 10 years and back to my restricted timetables and unstimulating work.

What have you done differently because of Business Jump that you wouldn’t have done if

Everything! I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I was totally ‘online’ business illiterate. Business Jump provides such great resources for newbies and I’d be totally lost without their initial start-up, course and ongoing support in the private group.

Tell us about your business?

My business is The Gut Healing Community. A hub of amazing practitioners, health coaches and toxin free beauty and health products to help people on a natural healing journey. I decided on this concept because of the road we had been on to improve Meika’s health. We spent an absolute fortune and delayed her recovery because we had no idea where to start. We took so many wrong turns because we didn’t know any better. If I can save someone a heap on medical bills by directing them to amazing practitioners and products then I’ll be a very happy woman!

How did it feel when you got the reins to your business to take out into the world?

I was so excited yet completely overwhelmed with what I had just taken on. I was filled with self doubt and fear of failure. Luckily for me, Business Jump helped with that too. The emphasis on self development and mindset is huge at BJCO and that helped me push through and get back on track.

How many hours a week do you work on your business?

No two weeks are the same, it could be 2 or 15hrs. If I have a really busy week with family, I cut back my business hours. If I have a promotion running I might put in a couple of extra hours. The flexibility is great, although I could work on my business all day cos I love it!

What are some of your most special ‘business wins’ you’ve had to date?

  1. Doing really well with my social media numbers. I have over 4500 on my Facebook business page and just passed 1000 on my Instagram
  2. Getting some of my favorite businesses listed on my website
  3. Connecting and working with like minded businesses and forming friendships

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

I’d love to have my business highly automated and hiring others to help with all the areas of the business that I don’t enjoy as much (like accounting) so I can focus on working on the areas I love. I really want to be reaching as many people on a similar journey to us and help empower them and change their lives. I’d also love for it to afford my husband to work a lot less to take the pressure off of him as a provider.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about starting their business?

Start with the end in mind. It is not easy, there will be heaps of hard work. You’ll fail, have rough patches, but never give up. If you create a business around something that is of interest to you or about something you love, or even just something where you know you can be of service to someone, there’s more incentive to power through the lows. Be patient, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Keep studying and learning from the best in the game. Lol – not really one piece of advice oooops.

 Where can we find you?

URL – www.theguthealingcommunity.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/theguthealingcommunity
Instagram – www.instagram.com/theguthealingcommunity


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