Tell us a bit about you?

I’m a travel-crazy kiwi, living in Brisbane with my husband and two gorgeous kiddies. I’ve been lucky enough to have spent about 9 years living in Europe, with a few years back home in between.

I love the beach, it’s my happy place and I plan to move the family to live there really soon.

If I could choose one sport, it would be snowboarding. I am a total snow junkie after spending two winter seasons in St Anton, Austria. It’s a hard choice for me between the snow and the beach!

Tell me a bit about what you were doing before you got in contact with Business Jump?

I’ve spent the last 20 years working in marketing and communications. I’m currently on maternity leave from a successful Australian startup, now an ASX 200 listed IT firm, where I have been Head of Marketing and Communications since it launched back in 2011.

In that time I’ve had my two kids (oldest is 3, youngest 4 months), and I’ve worked part-time, however as the leader of a busy team there isn’t really any such thing as part-time!

I also started an online business back in 2011, which I have done in my spare time. I had big plans for it to be the catalyst for a lifestyle change but I never had the tools or the time to make it really successful before.

Heading off on maternity leave for a second time late last year I started thinking again about a business that I could start and make enough to replace my income. That’s when I came across Business Jump and jumped at the chance to have someone help me with the setup of a new business as I know from last time how long it can take!

Tell us about your business?

One of my passions (business related) is customer experience, which is essentially about great communication and providing value to customers over and above the core product.

When a brand is known for their customer experience it creates disruptive businesses because they grow through word-of-mouth recommendations that their competitors can’t copy.

So I have started my business to help other female entrepreneurs to grow their service-based business through applying customer experience to their brand strategy. I’m creating a series of DIY online courses and offering some limited 1:1 coaching for select clients.

Why did you want to start your own business, what is your why?

I have three whys!

One is to be able to move my family to the beach.

One is to be in control of my working hours so I can be there for my kids while they are young.

One is to have the freedom to travel whenever we like.

How long had you wanted to start a business before you actually took action and took the jump?

I’m one of those mental people who is always thinking of businesses I could start! I’ve always wanted to run my own business since I was a teenager and knew it was just a matter of time to find a concept I really liked.

I started my first online business 6 years ago, but found that it wasn’t going to be something that could help me quit the 9-5 grind, so I was still looking for another (better) opportunity all that time.

If you hadn’t of started your own business what do you think you’d be doing right now?

Taking care of my baby better!! Haha! And counting how long I still have off until I need to go back to work.

What have you done differently because of Business Jump that you wouldn’t have done if DIY’ing?

I’ve delved into learning about online businesses and trying to soak up as much info as possible from the people who are out there killing it. I’ve never had the time to do it before, and with Bus Jump taking care of my website build I have been able to spend my time expanding my knowledge.

Looking into passive income streams. Understanding how to create revenue streams that can be easily scaled without needing lots of resource.

Leveraging the community – its been awesome to find a community of like minded women who are all so supportive of each other. I know I can now find expert advice when I need it and don’t need to fumble my way through it on my own.

How did it feel when you got the reins to your business to take out into the world?

Scary and exciting! Scary because I have at least a million things on my to do list and never ending ideas. I don’t feel like I am fully ready to launch it, but excited because I’m just going to do it anyway and try to build into a business with actual revenue within the next 6 months.

How many hours a week do you work on your business?

No idea. I grab some time on my phone while breastfeeding, even at 3am! Then bits and pieces during the day when bub is asleep, often she’s been sleeping on me in her carrier. And whatever I can fit in at night when the kids are both in bed. Maybe 20 hours?

What are 3 of your most special ‘business wins’ you’ve had to date?

Being asked to be an ‘expert’ on a Facebook group.

Starting a video blog with absolutely no experience in creating my own videos, and getting an invite for a guest spot on a fab new podcast… 😉

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Living my dream life. Travelling, working and enjoying a beach lifestyle!

Doing selective coaching for a few key businesses, with a few other businesses in the background managed by my amazing team-to-be.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about starting their business?

Make sure the business topic is something you are passionate about – what you think about in the shower, what you think about when you’re daydreaming. Your passion is what keeps you going through the lows, motivates you to keep pushing higher, and gives you a never-ending store of thoughts/content to talk about!

Where can we find you?

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