Hi there! I’m Chloé, the owner of Rebel Eco, an online marketplace of tips and eco-friendly products. I live in Sydney with my husband and 2 daughters (6 and 2) and spend most days juggling motherhood, gym classes and inspiring people to make small changes for a greener life.

Tell me a bit about what you were doing before you got in contact with Business Jump?

Before I contacted Business Jump, I had just extended my maternity leave for another year and was living in Indonesia with my family thinking about how to escape my stressful job.

Why did you want to start your own business, what is your why?

My why, first and foremost, was my children and that feeling of dread when I thought about putting them in long day care 5 days a week, but secondly, I wanted something that was mine. A business I could start as a passion project that could eventually turn into my full-time job once the kids are both in school.

How long had you wanted to start a business before you actually took action and took the

I had actually only been thinking about it and doing my research for about 3 months before I organised a call with Nat.

If you hadn’t of started your own business what do you think you’d be doing right now?

Hmmm. Probably taking orders from ‘the man’ in a stressful job.

What have you done differently because of Business Jump that you wouldn’t have done if

I got up and running with my business very quickly and was able to jump into the social media world confidently because of all the prep work done by Business Jump. The e-course gives you the top things to focus on without any fluff and there is no way I could have got everything built and up and running so swiftly without that help. I think if I had tried to DIY, I would still be working on it!

Tell us about your business?

I am extremely passionate about protecting the world we live in and making sure it remains liveable for future generations. I set up Rebel Eco so that I could share simple tips and tricks for families through my blog, social media posts and ebooks and take the stress out of ‘going green’. I list eco-friendly products on my site that help people save the planet, but also save money. My main ethos is that if everybody made small changes to the way they live, the impact would be huge, so I spend a lot of time sharing my ideas and tips to help people make those changes. And I am never happier than when people tell me they are trying to change and my tips have helped them!

How did it feel when you got the reins to your business to take out into the world?

Exciting! Looking back a year later, I had no idea of the journey I would go on and how much I would learn, but I’m absolutely loving it!

How many hours a week do you work on your business?

Approximately 15 hours per week. I try to put my family first so if that means delaying work, so be it. That was the whole idea behind becoming my own boss anyway!

What are some of your most special ‘business wins’ you’ve had to date?

  1. Creating my first ebook with my top 10 tips and receiving positive feedback on it from readers.
  2. Hitting 1000 followers on Instagram was a big one for me as I worked hard to get there.
  3. Signing up my first 5 vendors in the first month and getting my first sale within a couple of weeks of that.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

I would like to have a business that is automated so that I can focus on tweaking and improving. I am seriously considering my own range of products, so in 5 years would like to have a small range that people are familiar with and recognise as high quality.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about starting their business?

Overnight success is very rare, but if you are consistent with your actions, you’ll see results.

 Where can we find you?

URL – www.rebeleco.com

Facebook – www.facebook.com/rebeleco1

Facebook Group – Rebel Eco Family

Instagram – www.instagram.com/rebel_eco

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