My name is Katie Lowe, and I am a married mother of 2 gorgeous little boys aged 8 and 10. I grew up in Sydney where I met my husband, and we moved down here to Tassie before we got married. 

Tell me a bit about what you were doing before you got in contact with Business Jump?

My background was in property management before I returned to university to follow my passion for behavioural science. Before I got in contact with Business Jump I was still at university completing my studies in psychology, and had just completed my holistic health coaching qualifications.

Why did you want to start your own business, what is your why?

The year before contacting business jump I was diagnosed with a heart arrhythmia and had become pretty unwell. I was out of action for a while whilst I underwent three heart surgeries to attempt to rectify my issues. During this time I realised just how ‘busy’ I had become, and how much I had been pushing myself to ‘succeed’ over the years. I realised that my priorities had become skewed, and I knew that I had to make some changes to my lifestyle and how I was spending my days. 

I wanted to be with my family and focus on my health as a priority, which is the main reason that I wanted to start my own business. 

The idea of starting my own business felt lighter and more in alignment with how I wanted to feel moving forward vs working full time in a fast-paced clinic for someone else.


So my why is definitely my family; and to help others facing anxiety and wanting to improve their wellbeing like me. I had experienced firsthand what it was like to feel disconnected, anxious and unhappy. 

How long had you wanted to start a business before you actually took action and took the

Not that long! I had recently completed my health coaching degree, but I had the view that it was too complicated and had been going in circles trying to get started.

If you hadn’t of started your own business what do you think you’d be doing right now?

If I hadn’t have started my own business then I think I would be still moving through the long and arduous pathway of becoming a clinical psychologist and working for someone else. I know that I would not be as happy as I am now, and I wouldn’t have been able to help all the people I have helped over the past year in my business. 

What have you done differently because of Business Jump that you wouldn’t have done if

The incredible support from Business Jump has definitely given me more confidence to put myself out there as an entrepreneur. I would not have been able to set up such a professional website and community without their help and expertise! I also feel that I wouldn’t have known where to start, so I would have probably continued fumbling around without committing! 

Short answer is I would have been lost without the Business Jump family!

Tell us about your business?

My business is Katie Lowe, and I work with people who want to improve their mental and physical health. I combine my skills in health coaching and psychology to help people improve their happiness and overall wellbeing and achieve their wellness goals. I help clients move through issues such as anxiety, overwhelm, lack of motivation and direction, and help them become the best version of themselves!

My goal is to move my clients from just surviving to thriving!  

How did it feel when you got the reins to your business to take out into the world?

Scary! But also very exciting! I felt nervous but supported at the same time. 

How many hours a week do you work on your business?

I currently work 3 days per week on my business. But the beauty of having my own business now is that this is flexible. I work around my family’s schedule and my energy levels which works really well for me. 

What are some of your most special ‘business wins’ you’ve had to date?

My top 3 wins would be:

    1. Being asked to speak at large events for banks and universities about wellbeing and stress management. 
    2. Getting my own office in a local wellness centre.
    3. Helping people! Getting feedback that I have helped my clients turn their life around and regain their happiness is such an incredible feeling.

Where do you want to be in 5 years?

I have just completed my postgraduate studies in positive psychology, so I would love to be working more online, delivering programs and teaching more people how to improve their happiness and wellbeing.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about starting their business?

Just do it! Don’t overthink it! 

And remember that you don’t need to see the final destination at the beginning, the best advice I can give you is to just begin. Each step will illuminate the path forward and bring you closer to where you want to be.

 Where can we find you?


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