Hi, my name is Amanda Bell, I am a proud Townsvillian (I live in Townsville, North Queensland, Australia) and an even more proud wife and mum to a 2.5year old king of chaos + fun.
With over a decade of experience in various media sales and marketing roles while volunteering wherever possible in my local community, I wanted to put my professional knowledge and personal love of community to good use in a way that would serve my local business community while building a connected online community of families.
Tell me a bit about what you were doing before you got in contact with Business Jump?
Get ready to insert cliché here, lol. I was on maternity leave from my corporate world role and began pondering what the future looked like for me, as a mum and for my family.
I did not want to simply be a number, toiling away day in day out, but be someone with control of how I spend my time and my energy. I came across Business Jump and the rest as they say is…herstory (not history, lol)
Why did you want to start your own business, what is your why?
As a community-minded individual I have always been drawn to being a connector of sorts, whether individual to individual, individuals to groups of interest or individuals to local business contacts. On my travels and inside local forums I could see a big disconnect for local businesses, groups and organisations who had products and services a niche market needed to know about and now I WAS that market, a mum of a 0-12-year-old who wants to know what our region has to offer me and my family, from the everyday to special events and everything in between.
My Why is to be the connector for families with their community, it is to make locals and those thinking of relocating to our wonderful region know how amazing Townsville is.
How long had you wanted to start a business before you actually took action and took the
If I am honest the idea of creating something that fed my need to connect, to promote, to advocate had bounced around in my head for some time, but I had reservations for varying reasons. I think from first coming across Business Jump to taking action, it was less than a few months, I wanted to act, while I had the “luxury” of being on leave, at no other time in my life had I had enough time and space to make an idea into reality.
If you hadn’t of started your own business what do you think you’d be doing right now?
Probably kicking myself, as I have grown, learnt and become so much more confident in my own abilities, far more than if I had always wondered “what if”. When an idea is taking up your every waking (and often sleeping) moment, you can get on with it and give it a go or be 12 months down the track and left with “ if only I had tried” type thoughts that turn into regret.
What have you done differently because of Business Jump that you wouldn’t have done if
I am great at the sales/marketing/pr of business, but the overwhelm of all that is entailed in the big picture of starting a business from scratch can be OVERWHELMING. To have one point of reference, one guide with the fine print, the smaller items that add up, that I might have overlooked in my excitement to get started, for that and the amazing group of women that make up the Business Jump family, I am truly grateful.
Tell us about your business?
Townsville Family Life is the go-to online resource for local, relocating and visiting parents to Townsville, North Queensland (and surrounding areas), it is where parents of 0-12-year-olds connect with local businesses, groups, organisations, events as well as with each other.
Launched in March 2019, our community of parents (primarily mums) continues to grow and they want to discover what our region has to offer them and their family easily and without the google overwhelm, but with the guidance of a local mum.
I provide this information, while connecting with our community via Townsville Family Life’s online directory, blog, newsletter and socials.
Townsville Family Life offers a fresh approach to advertising + advocacy, community + collaboration, an approach that assists local (and seasonal) brands and event promoters to connect authentically with this niche market.
How did it feel when you got the reins to your business to take out into the world?
Exciting is an understatement, I had plotted and planned, prepared all that I could within my control along with the assistance of the BJ family and now it was time to LAUNCH! The response was amazing, the support was humbling and now just a little over a year in, the positive responses from both businesses and mums alike has made it all worthwhile.
How many hours a week do you work on your business?
As my business is my passion I lose track of time a lot, but a conservative estimate might be 20+ hours of “working on”, but more than that is spent in networking (online and offline), professional development and just generally getting out there in the community.
What are some of your most special ‘business wins’ you’ve had to date?
- My Launch at Event Cinemas, which attracted over 320 attendees (not bad for a complete unknown at that stage)
- Setting a goal of launching with 20 business members and reaching it
- Securing a 100% renewal rate of annual business partners, which is rewarding both personally and professionally as I know I am building mutually beneficial relationships
Where do you want to be in 5 years?
Working more on the business, planning where it will go next, versus in the business and where it is now.
What is one piece of advice you’d give to someone thinking about starting their business?
Know that you cannot know it all – it means embracing your strengths, accepting your weaknesses (and seeking out those who can assist you with them) while committing to lifelong learning.
Where can we find you?
URL – www.townsvillefamilylife.com
Facebook – www.facebook.com/townsvillefamilylife
Facebook Group –https://www.facebook.com/groups/367089660606817/
Pinterest – www.pinterest.com.au/townsvillefamilylife/
Instagram – www.instagram.com/townsvillefamilylife