Business Jump Starter Package (PM+FP+4p)

$1,286.67 / week for 3 weeks with a 7-day free trial and a $428.89 sign-up fee

Wahoo – you’re here and we are so excited to help you get started! I know this is a massive step but don’t forget I offer a 7-day refund so right now you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain from taking the jump and trusting us to catch you with the net and you can also stop and start the project if you need to, because I get it, life get’s busy!

Once the deposit has been transferred you’ll receive our welcome and on boarding emails within the first few minutes and at the same time, behind the scenes the team will be alerted that you’ve joined us and they will be in contact within 4-24 hours (weekdays or on Monday)

All pricing includes 10% GST.

SKU: bjc (fp 4p pre-made) Category:


Here is a reminder of what’s included for you.

What the package includes:

Value $1500+
Business coaching on the business idea, business niche, messaging and income streams. Its the most important part to get right and we will walk you through each section to help you make clear decisions.

Value $2000
A beautifully designed WordPress website that, most importantly, is designed to capture leads and sales whilst also connecting with your audience and making an impact. 

Value $1497
Access to my e-course which details the exact strategy you need to grow your business. It is short, simple and uncomplicated and 100% instrumental in creating a successful business.

Ongoing support in the Business Jump Family private Facebook group for the first 3 months. Join a community of like-minded business mums and have my ongoing support in our private group because business can be hard some days and now you’ll never have to feel lost or alone. 

Value – $500+
Our professional designers will create your logo and brand aesthetic, so you are launching a business that looks professional and well put together. Because feeling confident about putting yourself ‘out there’ is half the game.

Value – $200+
Other techy behind the scenes setup stuff, like registering your domain name, hosting, social media accounts and checking trademarks is also included.

That’s the tangible stuff, which as you know is so important to get right when you are starting a business. To be honest with you, there is so much more value included that can’t have a price next to it, like: 

The time we save you from having to work it all out by yourself:
When working with us, we only need about 10 hours of your time and then we do everything else for you. This is the start of your journey to freedom – you get other people to do the stuff for you, especially experts like us who know how to nail it straight away.

The anxiety from not knowing whether you are setting everything up properly:
There have been many businesses that fail straight from the start because they’ve made major newbie mistakes. This is the start of working smarter, not harder – learning from people who are ten steps ahead of you.

Having someone who ‘gets it’, to help support you through all the big decisions:
It can be really hard when it is just you and sometimes we overthink things and end up going around and around in circles. This is the start of utilising the power of your mindset and learning how to create and grow momentum. 

Having a-done-for you package instead of having to hire people separately:
Getting different quotes and building relationships is so time consuming, so we help you save time by having it all in one so you can focus on working on the parts that you love – This is the start of  learning how to work in your zone of genius which leads to faster results that come at ease.

Learning our mindset, success hacks and the behind the scenes ropes:
Knowing the real deal sets you up for the best possible chance of creating profit and freedom as a WAHM. Let me tell you a million dollar secret – business is 85% mindset and 25% strategy and working it all out as a mum while we have kids at our feet you want to be taking the path of least resistance at every corner.

Over $5500+ worth of value for only $3899 + GST