Promoting your business on Facebook seems like a no brainer. It’s free and millions of people are using it every day, so it’s a sure fire way to get sales. And that’s where most go wrong. There is the misconception out there that because Facebook is free, then you have a free platform to sell your goods or services and people will just come knocking down your door in their droves with their wods of cash. But nothing could be further from the truth. The fact is, Facebook actually wants you to pay for your advertising, so advertising posts on your page will not have the effect you are after. We give you some helpful hints on how you can still advertise on Facebook for free without really advertising!

Be an Ambassador For Your Product.

Nothing speaks louder to people that word of mouth and product placement. Wear your product, use your product and share stories about how your product has just helped you out of a bind. If you sell baby clothes and you have a baby, dress them in your clothes every day and share them on your page – you don’t have to promote the product, if someone loves it, they will come to you.

Share Your Latest Creation.

If you are a cake decorator or artist, the share your latest masterpiece on your page. People love to see what others have ordered or works they have had done to keep up with the Jones’s. Sharing your work will also show pride and passion in what you do which will build confidence and enthusiasm in your audience that they will want to be a part of as well.

Be Active In Your Customers Activities.

If you are running a cooking or recipe page and your audience loves to cook, then show them that you do too! Share a photo or story of your latest creation (or blunder!) as this will show you are human and just like them. It will also help build interaction as they will feel more related to you and more comfortable to comment on your post.


Facebook loves photos, the better quality and brighter the better. Share your original photos on your page and make sure you are using a high quality camera. Most smart phones have great quality camera’s now so you can take your lifestyle shots and post them straight to your page. Facebook will generally only share status updates for personal profiles, so make sure you use photos for your business pages as they will do better with your audience reach. If you sell stock, try taking original photos of your stock instead of stock images.

Don’t Sell!

Facebook wants you to pay for advertising, so they will not be favouring your product pushing sales posts. Share stories, be interactive and even share random funny memes that pop up. This will help your audience relate to you and feel they know you as you share the same interests as they do. Share a story about your product and then post your link to your website to show where they can get it. There is no need to sell on your post, your website should be doing the selling for you.

Involve Your Fans.

If you are a manufacturing business or you hand make your goods, try involving your fans in your next project. Show them a range of possibilities or fabrics you may be using and get them to comment or vote for their favourite. This will create interest and you will  be gauge what your audience is looking for. This could also help you in pre-sales and orders for that product instead of trying to push a ready made product that may not appeal to everyone.

So, as you can see, Facebook can be your friend if you let it, but just remember it is a networking tool first and selling point a distant second. Your fans don’t walk in off the street and chat to you, so you have to chat to them via your page and build rapport and familiarity.

Hint: If you have a good performing post, try boosting it for a few dollars, this will help it reach more of your audience.

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