The inner journey to deciding to start an online business is just as important as the physical side of business.

I won’t lie, creating an online business and running it is not easy, it’s hard. It’s scary at times. And, it can be lonely at times.

The self-doubt can be consuming.

But master the skill and your mind and the rewards are huge.

Work around the kids, be in charge of your own income which you can scale as high as you like and screw having to ever work for the 9-5 again.

Do what you love…. it isn’t just a corny saying.

To be honest, when you hit the sweet spot it is pretty freaking awesome.

Running a successful business which I define by profit AND freedom starts and finishes with the right mindset.

Us freedom seekers need to prep our minds on a daily basis to ward off any doubt and replace with prosperity.

Develop techniques to build courage, strength and believe that you can without a second thought otherwise.

Break through your fears.

Master this and running your own business will reward you in so many more ways than you could possibly dream of.

Here are some of my strategies for ensuring fear doesn’t run my life:

1. Say yes.

You don’t have to see the whole plan laid out in front of you, start with small steps and take it from there.

You’re reading business stuff for a reason so take note of the inner voice that’s been silently saying ‘you can do this’  Grab a pen and write “Yes! I can do this!” on a piece of paper and look at it regularly.

I promise, you’ll feel the shift!

2. Visualise your success.

So, I am a big believer of visualisation, if it’s good enough for Oprah, it’s good enough for me!

Creating a vision board may sound naff to some people but I seriously love mine. When I am feeling overwhelmed, I take a second to look at it and really absorb what I have placed on it. It’s a great way to bring myself back to centre, refocus and get my mindset realigned with my goals.

3. Affirmations.

Affirmations are a fab way to rewire your thinking patterns. Every time a negative thought tries to bring you down replace it with an affirmation. Instead of ‘I can’t do this’ replace it with “I am a successful entrepreneur” or “I have all I need to create an amazing business”

4. Like its already happened.

Start acting like the person you want to be. On holidays recently I checked myself into a day spa, when filling out the form it said ‘Occupation’ and I popped down CEO.

So, I am not a CEO in the reality sense, more of a business owner I’d say. But it felt empowering to right CEO and it opened a window in my mind about where my business is going.

5. What is the story?

Check in with your thought patterns and catch the story you are telling yourself, if you hear yourself making excuses, get familiar with them and crush them as the enter your mind.

One of my stories was I am not smarter enough. I changed this to the following affirmation: I am capable of doing whatever I set my mind to. I also thought because I was a Mum I didn’t have the time. I changed this to’ I have all the time I need to follow my dreams’

6. Learn again.

Knowledge is absolutely power and fuels determination, motivation and courage.

Follow people who are out there doing it, listen to podcasts, webinars, blogs and anything and everything. Think you don’t have the time? I listen to podcasts in the car on the way to school and daycare drop off. I listen to my meditations as I am going to sleep

Think you don’t have the time? I listen to podcasts in the car on the way to school and daycare drop off. I listen to my meditations as I am going to sleep

I listen to my meditations as I am going to sleep of a night. Re-evaluate what you do and how you do it and you’ll be able to fit it in.

7. There is never a ‘right’ time.

Mums have started businesses weeks before having a baby, with a newborn, with little money, with lots of money, with little experience and in all sorts of circumstances. If you want it, you’ll find a way.

8. Start small.

The beauty of an online business is you can start small. You don’t need to fork out $1000’s and $1000’s to start. The biggest thing it will cost you is time. As an example, source your logo from Etsy. You can pay $50 for an awesome logo not $500 from a graphic designer.

You don’t need to fork out $1000’s and $1000’s to start. The biggest thing it will cost you is time. As an example, source your logo from Etsy. You can pay $50 for an awesome logo not $500 from a graphic designer.

9. Kill overwhelm.

I don’t know anyone that doesn’t get attacked by the overwhelm.

The difference is how we deal with it. Write it down what’s making you feel uneasy and then put a plan in place to action every time you feel overwhelmed. I like to get up from my desk and walk outside, take a moment to breathe in and be grateful for what I have and usually after that I can refocus and leave the overwhelm outside to get swept away.

Write it down what’s making you feel uneasy and then put a plan in place to action every time you feel overwhelmed.

I like to get up from my desk and walk outside, take a moment to breathe in and be grateful for what I have and usually after that I can refocus and leave the overwhelm outside to get swept away.

10. Resistance will happen.

Expect it from yourself and most surprising from your friends and family too. It sucks. My Mum loves to be a naysayer but now I just ignore it. Some people will admire you and be your biggest fans and others won’t but as long as you feel content inside it doesn’t matter. Don’t let their words sink in.

It sucks. My Mum loves to be a naysayer but now I just ignore it. Some people will admire you and be your biggest fans and others won’t but as long as you feel content inside it doesn’t matter. Don’t let their words sink in.

Some people will admire you and be your biggest fans and others won’t but as long as you feel content inside it doesn’t matter. Don’t let their words sink in.

11. Self-care.

If anything at all, after having PND a few years ago this is the most important to me of all.

Us working Mums can really struggle with meeting our own mental, physical, spiritual and emotional needs. It took me a long time to work out some type of balance but I think I have it now, despite it appearing elusive for so many years.

It’s a WIP but know that it’s important and by investing in self-care you’ll have so much more creative energy to accomplish tasks in less time. I always think of my best ideas when I am out running, horse riding or just watching a trashy tv show *cough* like Keeping Up With The Kardashians…


As a busy Mum, I am always looking for the best tools, hack’s and resources to save me time and build my business faster. I’ve put together a collection of my favs for you. Download them now for free.

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